Mary Hughes

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Spirals Series

In this collection of drawings on panel and paper, I continue to explore form and line by transforming rigid, geometric shapes into graceful, organic formations that mimic natural elements. Using the same tool repeatedly to layer stenciled circles, I aim to achieve a range of forms within that limitation. Along with my interest in the tension between the geometric and organic, I consider the relationship between the flatness of the picture plane and the illusion of spatial depth. The minimal, abstract works attempt to captivate the viewer with their delicate detail and intricate weave of shape and color.

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Ghost Spiral No. 1
Ghost Spiral No. 2
Ghost Spiral No. 3
Ghost Spiral No. 4
Ghost Spiral No. 5
Silver Spirals No. 30
Silver Spirals No. 31
Spiral No. 32
Silver Spirals No. 34
Silver Spirals No. 35